Please join the Kachemak Bay Conservation Society and friends for fun, music and good cheer

Guest speaker Lorne Flagg, retired ADF&G Fisheries and Habitat Biologist, will give a first-hand account of how and why the Kachemak Bay Critical Habitat Area was established 50 years ago.

We will also be celebrating the success of our legal challenge to ADF&G's jet ski rule-change – we won big, and jet skis are now banned again in the Kachemak Bay Critical Habitat Area!

Plaintiffs Kachemak Bay Conservation Society, Friends of Kachemak Bay State Parks, Cook Inletkeeper and Alaska Quiet Rights Coalition challenged ADF&G's unfounded rule-change to reverse the long-standing ban on jet skis in Kachemak Bay, and won! We will share more about the decision and give updates on the status of a possible appeal from the State on this ruling.

Event is cancelled until further notice

6:00 pm
December 15, 2023

The Kannery 451 Sterling Hwy, Homer, AK 99603

A Celebration of 50 Years of Protecting K Bay Critical Habitat

Friday, December 15, 2023