Kachemak Bay Conservation Society

Sign To Protect Alaska Sea Ducks

Mission Statement

The Kachemak Bay Conservation Society’s mission is to protect the environment of the Kachemak Bay region and greater Alaska by encouraging sustainable use and stewardship of natural resources through advocacy, education, information, and collaboration.

Kachemak Bay Conservation Society is concerned with environmental protection of the Kachemak Bay region. The organization focuses on habitat and wildlife issues, wetlands protection, water quality, logging, oil and gas leases, energy conservation, sustainability issues, and land use planning. The Society monitors environmental issues locally and statewide.

Solidarity and local action are at the core of Kachemak Bay Conservation Society's work.  

We would like to use our media platforms to help people support each other during the coronavirus pandemic. As a first step, we want to hear what kind of community organizing you think would help Homer?

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Upcoming Events

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KBCS and other Conservation Groups Win Jet Ski Lawsuit

The judge ruled that the Alaska Department of Fish & Game exceeded its statutory authority when it reversed the regulation banning jet skis in the Kachemak Bay and Fox River Flats Critical Habitat Areas.

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We Can Have Both Gravel and Fish

We have a huge opportunity to improve gravel pit extraction on the Kenai Peninsula, supporting clean water, healthy salmon habitat, and biodiversity. Please voice your support for Ordinance 2022-36 and smart gravel extraction at the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly meeting on Tuesday, September 19, at 6:00 PM at Homer City Hall.

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Get Involved in the Port Expansion Public Process

The Army Corps of Engineers is working with the City of Homer to begin a 3-year investigation into the potential costs and benefits of expanding the Homer Harbor to accommodate more large vessels. The Corps and City are looking for public input on what kind of expansion—or not—people want to see.

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Thank you for helping to protect beautiful Kachemak Bay!

Annual membership fees apply to the current calendar year.
Payments received September through December will be applied to membership for the following year.