Homer Drawdown’s climate solutions community is transitioning into the next phase of our project: solution implementation! Our solution selection meeting will take place on Thursday October 29th at 6pm. During this meeting we will take a deeper look at 10 of our top solutions and vote on 1 to implement.

Even if you have not deeply engaged with this process so far, we welcome your participation in the selection process and your energy as we actualize our climate solutions in Homer.

This event will take place over ZOOM. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMldO6orz0jGdW0QilZXOIsndAtASl23Paq?fbclid=IwAR0nSf85lx2sRkYCjJDbfwRM3z5GepAYTRkq5MxLlWjbcmaSbDfrEWjVcJ8

Event is cancelled until further notice

6:00 pm
October 29, 2020

Homer Drawdown

Thursday, October 29, 2020